

The Education Fund's first program awarded small grants to support teachers' innovative, 课堂实践项目. 30年,超过40年,800个“最佳实践”项目之后, 立博中文版集体项目继续改变着350人的生活,000+学生/家庭和20,在迈阿密-戴德县公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯的000名教育工作者.

立博中文版倡议已经提供了1800多万美元的免费课堂用品. We've engaged hundreds of business professionals to become advocates for 教学质量. We are growing schoolyard eco labs at 51 elementary schools -- 26 have become Food Forests. 30多个,000 students' eating habits have improved as a result of this multi-dimensional outdoor lab initiative.


Our range of active programs shown below in red are hyper-linked to each active program. Other pinnacle programs during the past three decades have been adopted and/or expanded by the district. Some of those shown below have forged the path to systemic change such as FamilyTech. 你可以在这里读到所有这些. 


  • Engages students at 51 M-DCPS elementary or K-8 schools to plant and maintain vegetable, 水果, 并在立博中文版我们的时事通讯场地上种植草本食物森林,同时利用这一经历来促进健康的饮食习惯和将持续一生的营养知识. Having helped change school policy whereby gardens may be used to teach various subjects, 加上营养, 农产品也可以用于自助餐厅, 立博中文版继续扩大这个项目. In 2015, 我们在11所立博中文版我们的时事通讯推出了“食物森林”概念, creating soothing outdoor sanctuaries while growing enough produce for school meals and home bound use. 到目前为止,我们已经建造了26个食物森林.

  • Increases public awareness about the critical role that teachers play in student achievement. Business professionals from across the county learn about the challenges of teaching, 收集同事的支持承诺, and then experience first-hand the difficulties and rewards of a day in the classroom. 学员对老师有了更深的了解, 教学质量, 以及它对学生成功的影响. 你是,或者你知道,一个商业领袖吗? 邀请他们加入CEO挑战!

  • 通过资助教师包装和传播他们的想法,帮助他们充分利用创新和创造性的想法, 为教师提供“最佳实践”目录, 详细的课程包和教案, 一年一度的创意博览会教师大会, 补助金,以适应和/或定制特色项目,以自己的教室, 以及专业发展和远程学习网络研讨会.

  • 对那些想在课堂上尝试新事物或希望授权同行项目的教师奖励小额现金奖励——所有这些都是为了刺激学习. 在这些赠款的帮助下,已经开发了1100多个优秀项目.

  • 从商界收集剩余库存和用品,并免费提供给迈阿密戴德县的公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯教师. 自1993年成立以来, 该中心接待了30多名学生,000名教师访问,并提供了超过1800万美元的捐赠物品. Celebrating 28 years of 立博中文版海洋银行教材中心!

  • Provide much-needed resources, recognition, and financial support for fine arts education in M-DCPS. 学生们在海洋银行中心用“发现”的物品创作作品. 这些原创作品将被展出和评判,随后将举行颁奖典礼. 许多艺术品随后在一年一度的慈善晚会上被拍卖, 收益将用于该地区的视觉艺术项目. The auction -- 为了对艺术的热爱 -- includes the Sapoznik Insurance Public School Alumni Achievement Awards, 哪一个例子展示了公共教育如何带来巨大的成功.

  • 对于我们学区的大多数学生来说,我们是全国最贫穷的学区之一, 上大学仍然是一个梦想. The Education Fund’s SmartPath program (formerly Citi Postsecondary Success Program, CPSP是一项旨在将大学文化融入高中的倡议, empowering low-income and first-generation students to successfully prepare for college and career. SmartPath最初是一个与我们学区合作的五年项目, 社区组织, 以及当地的高等教育机构. Our pilot produced the highest results among national grantees and continues in five 高中 schools, 服务低收入学生和家庭.

  • This annual showcase event celebrates our Teach-A-Thon Teacher Champions with a Victory Party, 食物森林的小型装置, 艺术展览, 和拍卖, 等. Yet another dimension -- catering provided by teams from our district’s 30 culinary programs. 各队参加了南海滩葡萄酒比赛 & 美食节,由厨师和餐馆老板评判他们的作品. 团队还获得了在准备和服务500多名派对参与者时获得的最重要的“实践”经验. 我们在2020年3月初的活动取得了巨大的成功!


  • 创建转型教练以构建变革(CTC)

    是否有一个试点计划与地区的大学援助计划(CAP)合作,以建立一个结构,扩大教师和指导顾问的角色,使他们能够成为导师/教练,帮助他们的学生欣赏上大学的好处,并发展申请所需的实际技能. The program targeted M-DCPS career academy high schools that serve a high percentage of low-income, 少数民族学生. 它是CPSP的前身,现在被称为“大学智路”.

  • 教师网络领导学院(TNLI)

    enables a teacher's voice to be a factor in creating educational policy through school-based action research projects. 立博中文版作为全国14个分支机构之一参与了TNLI,这些分支机构合作进行研究,并与决策者分享其结果和建议. 立博中文版的文件可参阅立博中文版刊物一栏.

  • FamilyTech

    打开了计算机技术的世界,超过10,000+ low-income students and their families by placing refurbished computers in their homes, 培训父母使用电脑并监督孩子的工作. In the classroom, the students' teachers learn to incorporate technology in the curriculum. FamilyTech帮助迈阿密戴德县公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯在课堂上使用技术,远远领先于全县大多数地区.

  • 成功的基金

    20年来,花旗成功基金通过教师指导的基于项目的学习,激励社区中有风险的学生留在立博中文版我们的时事通讯,从而满足了他们的需求. 我们达到了168,000名高危学生中有超过1,000次小学激励学习经验, 中间, 高中, 以及迈阿密戴德县的另类/特殊立博中文版我们的时事通讯.

  • 团队导师资助

    are designed to provide an incentive for collaboration between new and veteran teachers. 这种合作以课堂为中心, student-learning projects that provide common ground for veteran teachers and new teachers to work together.

  • 督学城市校长计划(SUPI)

    was one of the nation's most comprehensive leadership development programs for secondary school administrators. 通过在线评估工具, 与国内教育专家合作, 行动研究培训, 退休管理人员的指导, 参加哈佛研究所, 九周的实习和额外的指导, SUPI prepared school leaders to meet the challenges of the district's highest-need students.

  • 市民大会堂会议/社区对话

    are part of an ongoing effort by The Education Fund to facilitate community discussions of public education issues. The first Town Hall Meeting, "Crisis in the Classroom," focused on teacher recruitment and retention.